Thursday, April 16, 2015

Paper Plate Marble Run

 Below is a slideshow of my students working and reflecting on our Marble Run Experience.

Once again thank you to Dacia Jones for send me this activity. 

"Carol Dweck - A Study on Praise and Mindsets"

In the Process of CBL Spring 2015 (Week 11-12)

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Reading Across State Lines- Round 2 (Week 7)

           - Interactive Notebooks
           - Chasing Lincoln’s Killer by James L. Swanson
            -Heart and Soul: The Story of America and African                                   Americans by Kadir Nelson
            -Willing to Be Disturbed   by Margaret J. Wheatley 

·     Introduction Whole Class/partners
·     Warm Up
·      To start out with I will pull up three images related to the Reconstruction. I just did a Google Image search for the images (there are plenty to choose from there).
·     With these images students will participate in the Visual Thinking/MTV Routine See- Think- Wonder
·     Students true in their Interactive Gifted Notebook to page_____(next page of Chasing Lincoln’s Killer) and create three vertical columns (See-Think-Wonder).
·     Students will be asked to take two minutes and record on everything they SEE.
·     In pairs students will share what they have recorded and encourage to add anything from their partners list that they may have missed.
·     Students will be asked to take two minutes and record on everything they THINK.
·     In pairs students will discuss their list.
·     Students will be asked to take two minutes and record on everything they Wonder.
·     In pairs students will discuss their list .

Heart of the Lesson:
·     -Read aloud and discuss Chapter 5 /Reconstruction of Heartand Soul: The Story of America and African Americans by Kadir Nelson.
·     Example Questions and Talking Points (There maybe other questions that come to mind that morning):
·     -Page 19-What are some the issues might caused for African Americans by the laws in slavery times-most black folks couldn’t own property, vote, learn to read…..?
·     -Page 20- “The Confederate dollar wasn’t worth a cup of red Georgia clay.” I will talk about this in hopes to make it clear to the students.
·     -Page 20- In you words tell your partner how the ol’ master was a crook.
·          -Then tell your partner how the ol’ master would have justified his actions.
·     -Page 21- What was the meaning of –“The North had won the Civil War had won the Civil War; but the South, it won Reconstruction.” What evidence was shared in this piece proofs that?
·     -At this point, I will model with ex-slave and using Center of Viewpoint Routine .
·     -Then, I will assign students roles: plantation owner and ex-Union solider and have them complete one of these routines.

·     1. I am thinking of [name the event/issue] from the point of view of…
·     2. I think…[describe the topic from your viewpoint. Be an actor—take on the character of your viewpoint]. Because…[explain your reasoning]
·     3. A question/concern I have from this viewpoint is…”
·     Students with the same role will get together to discuss their responses.

·     Closure
·     Students will meet for a discussion group. Sharing how their roles point of view is the same or different roles. They will be encouraged to explain their thinking.    
·     Independent: Read "Willing to Be Disturbed"     
·     Model: I will return to text and model my thinking of how an ex-slave might have benefited form this artcle.
Then Students will respond to the prompt in your Interactive Gifted Notebook.
·     Prompt: Write a letter from the student in 2015 to someone in your role back during The Southern Reconstruction using the knowledge from the pieces we have read and our discussion. The following were meant to be rough drafts and the focus was content.