Thursday, February 16, 2012

DEN Summer Institute Application

Here is my application for the DEN Summer Institute in Montana this summer. I was lucky enough to attended DEN Summer Institute in Boston in July 2010.  Where I met some wonderful educators from around the country, learned a ton and brought back many wonderful ideas I still use in my classroom today.  I really want to be chosen to attend this year's event and each week I open up the DEN Update email hoping and praying my name will make that list. So far, I have not been part of the lucky few, but my fingers are still crossed that by March 26th it will be.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

FETC 2012 Update

I did want to give a brief update of the highlights from my trip to FETC last week. It was a busy week with lots of talk about Mobile Devices, Apps, Web 2.0 sites and digital textbooks.. I really could go on and on, but I think I need to stick to the highlights.

First, I was able to spend a fantastic day with Discovery Learning.  Who brought in Dr. Lodge McGammon and Katie Gimbar from North Carolina to learn one take video ideas for the classroom. Here is what is a list of ideas discussed with links video explanation of each:

        Flipping the Classroom-
            Katie Gimbar -Why I Flipped My Classroom
            Dr. Lodge McGammon-Flipping the Classroom

         Teach Concepts with creating a Music Video- This was a blast.
            Dr. Lodge McGammon- Explaining the process

        Paper Slide Video to Differentiate
            Dr. Lodge McGammon-Explaining the process 



Then there were two Keynote Speakers that I personally found fascinating:
        Michael Wesch-Wired Magazines

 He discussed how when new media is introduced  the rules of communication and the structure of society changes. Interesting not just as an educator, but as a person. Really made me think.

        My favorite speaker was Dr. Heidi Hayes Jacobs/
Executive Director of Curriculum Mapping Institute
        Love her idea of Strategic Upgrades!